Getting Started

Congratulations on your decision to get started with NETTRAKK!
Once you accept your invitation to join (check your email), you will be prompted to complete your account registration.
Please select from the appropriate user-group below for detailed instructions on completing your account setup.
We look forward to having you on board!

1. Sign Up for NETTRAKK

2. Click the blue “Accept” button on your invitation email

3. Finish your Profile Setup by selecting a password and click the orange “Complete” button

4. Please read your Welcome prompt for initial instructions

5. Complete your billing information, “Save Card” and then “Subscribe”

6. You will now get a message from the Analytics page that will advise you that you will be able to see your analytics after your clients have logged in to NETTRAKK

7a. Upload your client database and you are ready to go!
7b. If you want to use your client list from Filogex Expert, download it to a csv file, and then upload it to NETTRAKK.

8. Look at Training Documentation for more helpful tips.

Realtors cannot sign up on NETTRAKK without Co-Sharing with a Mortgage Agent who has an account. If you are working with a Mortgage Agent who has an account, please ask them to send you an invitation to join.

1. Click the blue “Accept” button on your invitation email

2. Register for your account by completing all the information in the registration prompt. Be sure to add your personal website information so all client property searches will be directed to your personal URL. Click the orange “Register” button once you are finished

3. Please read your Welcome prompt for initial instructions

4. You will now get a message from the Analytics page that will advise you that you will be able to see your analytics after your clients have logged in to NETTRAKK. You will not be prompted to add your billing information until you exceed 25 clients in NETTRAKK

8. Upload your client database and you are ready to go!